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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Yr 4 - Sycamore

Welcome to Sycamore Class.

The Class Teacher is Ms Grace.

Sycamore Class 2023 - 2024

19.07.24 Spin the wheel award. Sycamore class won the times table rock star award and was gifted an art and crafts session. We had a fabulous time creating out pictures and sketching.

15.07.24 Childrens University graduation. Some of the pupils in sycamore class worked exceptionally hard to gain enough points to be recognised. They completed a minimum of 30 hours on learning outside the classroom. We are so proud of them.

12.07.24 Sports day. The children competed in their house groups in a variety f activities including hurdles, relay and sprinting. Saturn house won again.

01.07.24 DT Lesson. Making Egyptian fruit kebab. We washed the fruits, cut them into chunks and threaded them through wooden skewers. They were delicious.

22.05.24 In DT, we have been making light up pictures. We made them out of card and created an electrical circuit using crocodile clips, batteries and a light bulb. We put these in the boxes and made our picture light up. It was epic!

22.05.24 Practising the underarm and forearm serve.

17.05.24 We are learning how to play the recorder.

08.05.24 We have been learning how to play tennis in P.E this term.

13.03.24 Tag Rugby P.E Lesson 3 - Group of 5: Passing. We continued out Tad rugby lessons in P.E and focussed on passing the ball and keeping it within our teams.

11.03.24 I identifying, naming and drawing the oceans of the world as part of our Blue Abyss topic. The children enjoyed working in small groups to create their maps of the world's oceans including the continents.

11.03.24 Diabetes UK Challenge - Raising money for charity. We took part in a charity event today and raised some money. We were sponsored to run, jog, and hula hoop.

07.03.24 - World Book Day Paired Reading. Sycamore class children reading to and listening to year 1 children in Oak class. It was lovely to hear them read.

07.03.24 - World Book Day. Can you guess which characters were represented in Sycamore class? We all came to school dressed up in our favourite book characters. It was such an exciting day.

28.02.24 Tag Rugby - Learning the basics

23.02.24 Djembe Music Lesson - Don't play this rhythm back? We have continued with our Djembe specialist lessons and are confident playing back many beats.

21.02.24 - Sycamore church worship. This was our church worship which coincided with lent. We thought about what we might like to give up for lent.

08.02.24 - Finishing our Viking Brooches. Painting and evaluating (completing 5 steps)

08.02.24 Reading Cafe. Our parents came to support our reading cafe today. They sat with us to listen to our reading. It was lovely.

02.02.24 - Beginning to make our Viking brooch, Cutting, rolling, patterning and decorating with jewels.

29.01.24 - We are musicians. Creating our melodies using computing software. Isle of tunes.

20.12.24 Christmas service at St Augustine's church.

10.10.23 Big Live Assembly Celebrating Black History Month 2023

09.10.23 Look at our inspiring book corner.

29.9.23 Sketching a bust portrait of a Roman emperor using shading pencils.

Reading Cafe - Our parents joined us in the hall to read. 27.9.23

26.9.23 Sycamore class out in the fields practising our bounce and chest passes.

11.09.23 Searching for all that is bright and beautiful in God's creation. R.E lesson on creation.

