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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Y6 - Redwood

Welcome to Redwood Class.

The Class Teacher is Miss Miller.

In Computing, we created our own future computer and wrote our own audio adverts for them. Here we are rehearsing our adverts!

We had an amazing time on our trip to Chatham Dockyard. We went onboard a spy submarine and World War Two destroyer ship; we also made our own anchor rope and had a WW2 air-raid experience!

Practising out football skills and working as a team!

We take time to reflect and also celebrate our ‘wow’ moments! Please bring in any photos/medals/certificates of exciting things you have been doing outside school. Let’s celebrate the ‘wow’ moments in life!

We read for knowledge and pleasure! We love choosing books from this table to find out more about World War 2.

In science, we made our own blood. This helped us understand its components: platelets, plasma, white blood cells and red blood cells.

A different whole class reading session today: reading a survival information text and using this to create our own knots and lashings.

We had the most amazing time on our residential trip to Kingswood!

