Being a Church School
School Vision
We aim to be a school of excellence, where everyone feels safe, valued, respected and has the confidence to ‘walk tall’ and achieve great things, as a unique child of God.
'All different, all gifted, all parts of the same body.'
Scripture Linked to our Vision
Romans 12: 5-6
How the children remember it:
All different
All gifted
All parts of the same body
In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and we are all joined to each other as different parts of one body. So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace that God has given us.
Romans 12: 5-6
The story: There was once a group of children who were asked to plan a play, rehearse it and show it to the whole school. The children were from different year groups. Some felt confident and others were very shy. For example, one child was very nervous and didn’t want to be on stage, another child struggled to think what the play would be about and another who had a vivid imagination had written some lovely stories. These children along with the others in the group discovered that together they could design and perform an excellent play. The child who was nervous looked after all the lighting, the child who thought they had no imagination took the star role and the one who wrote lovely stories wrote and designed the play. Everyone discovered that without the support and encouragement of each other the play would not have been a success. Everybody discovered that the part they took was equally important as the others.
Linked to our vision: As children of God we are all uniquely formed and each of us are given different gifts and talents. It takes time to discover exactly what we are good at, what challenges us and how we can support others in achieving their full potential. At St Paul’s we encourage all the children to discover what they are good at and also to acknowledge what is difficult. We also demonstrate through our values that helping and supporting others to achieve their best helps to bring harmony, create friendships and to experience the value of community. Whilst we endeavour to achieve this we also encourage the children to experience the awe and wonder of life and to share the wow moments with others when they are experienced.
The passage from St Paul’s letter to the Romans shows us that although we may be a single individual we are also joined together by our faith in Jesus Christ. Through this faith we are taught to understand that together we can achieve our personal best and encourage others to do so at the same time. We continually strive to demonstrate to the children that everyone is unique and valued as a child of God.
By living out this Christian vision, we are helping children to understand that they are a valuable part of a diverse and supportive community. We encourage them to see their differences as strengths and to appreciate the unique gifts in others. This vision drives us to create a learning environment where every child feels a sense of belonging and purpose, and where they can develop their talents and character in accordance with Christian values.
Christian Values
As a Church school, the values that underpin daily life at St Paul’s arise from the Christian faith. Friendship, Respect, Koinonia, Trust, Forgiveness, and Hope inform every aspect of our school community life.
Here’s how these values come to life in our community:
Friendship: We foster an environment where supportive and caring relationships are encouraged, helping students build meaningful connections.
Respect: We teach and model respect for others, ensuring that everyone is treated with dignity and kindness.
Koinonia: We emphasize the importance of community, encouraging a sense of belonging and shared responsibility among all members of our school. We are a team!
Trust: We strive to build a trustworthy environment where reliability and honesty are valued and practiced.
Forgiveness: We believe in the power of forgiveness, guiding our students to mend relationships and grow from their experiences.
Hope: We inspire a hopeful outlook, motivating our students to face challenges with optimism and confidence.
Our Christian Values!
We thought about why this theology is important to our school...
'Reverend Jim chose this because, the whole school is one body. All of us are different and have many gifts. Just like dragon eyes that we painted in art. They are all dragon eyes but different as we used different skills.' (Junior - Year 5)
'Reverend Jim chose this passage because we have different eyes and skin colours but we still love each other and work together.' (Kingsley - Year 4)
'This bible passage is important to our school because it shows that we are all different, gifted and parts of the same body in God. When we go through difficulties, we help each other out because we are all parts of the same body and in the same school. Kingsley might help me in maths and I'll help him in English because that's where we have our different gifts and we use it.' (Adrian - Year 4)
'I know that we are all different and have many gifts because some children are very good in maths and some in art. So we are all gifted. These gifts are all different too. We can do the same work but show it in a different way which is okay. We are still all one body.' (Andrea - Year 5)
'Reverend Jim chose this passage because we're all unique, different but together we're a united community with teamwork' (Freddie Year 5).
'This story is important to our school because it shows we are part of a community'- Harry (Silver Birch)
'It shows that we are all unique but we are a team'- Bebe (Silver Birch)
Year One drew pictures explaining the theology for our school...
Reflection Areas