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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Nursery Acorns

Welcome to Acorns Class

The Class Teacher is Mrs O'Reilly

Acorns 2023-2024

This Half Term our Learning Quest is Under the Sea. We will be reading stories such as The Rainbow Fish, The Tickly Octopus and The Storm Whale to find out some facts about different sea creatures!

EYFS SPORTS DAY 2024 - what fun we all had!

Well done Pheadra and Yug for super reading and achieving their certificate!

Well done Hinson, Omar and Haki for Super Reading this week!

Our Mud Kitchen is open and taking orders!

Well Done Poppy and Hannah for Super Reading Every Week!

This week we made and baked a cake. It was delicious full of chocolate chips!!

Well done Amelia and Divine - super reading every week!

PC Gurv visited us today! We sat in the police van and tried on the police helmets!

What a successful Stay and Play Session in Nursery! Thank you to all the families that attended today!

Fun in the Mud Kitchen!

This half term our Learning Quest is Minibeasts. We will be reading some of the stories written by Eric Carle.

We visited Rev Jim to hear the story of Easter. We waved Palm Crosses and sang a song.

Today we visited the Library to share stories and take home some books!

We did a sponsored circuit to raise money for Diabetes UK! (Article 24)

World Book Day 2024!

Our Learning Quest this half term is "What Does It Taste Like? We will focus on stories about different foods and will be making and tasting some foods.

We celebrated the Year of the Dragon 2024 - we made a dragon and danced through the Hall.

We had an amazing turn-out of parents at Our Reading Cafe singing songs, reading stories and looking around our classroom!

We learned the Gruffalo song!

Still image for this video
Take a listen to our amazing singing! We learnt the Gruffalo song and sang it with the puppets we made!

This week we read the story of The Gruffalo. We painted pictures and made Gruffalo puppets!

Our Learning Quest this half term is ‘What Time Is It?’
We will be celebrating Bonfire Night, Remembrance Sunday and Diwali and will end with our Celebrations for Christmas!
Please remember to check what we have been learning about

A special visitor arrived at the Acorns Christmas Party!

Reverend Jim invited us to the Church to see the Nativity Scene.

We sang in the EYFS production of ‘Whoops a Daisy Angel!’

Happy Christmas Jumper Day! How fab are our Christmas jumpers?!

Gwen the Dental Nurse visited us today. She read us a story and taught us how to keep our teeth healthy. We helped brush Sally's teeth too!

Children in Need November 23 - look at our Pudsey ears!

We wore odd socks to stand against Bullying!

We read the story of Rama and Sita. We talked about how some people celebrate Diwali! Look at our lovely Diwali cards and our Rangoli step!

11.11.23 we Learnt about Poppies and what they mean. We remembered all the soldiers hurt in the war by making and decorating lots of poppies We listened to the last post and laid poppies.

We learnt all about Bonfire night! We drew lots of pictures of fireworks and even made Sparklers!

Today we showed Racism the Red Card! (Links to Article 7&8)

Today we decorated cakes as we have been celebrating Kipper's Birthday! (Links to article 31)

Today Dotty the Owl visited us in school. We learned that owls hunt at night for mice to eat!

We have been practising our cutting skills by snipping cabbage and lettuce.

We have had lots of fun on our new slide we got this week! (Article 31)

Miss Charlotte came to work with us in our PE lesson. We learned to follow instructions and make body shapes! Look at what we did!

Today we enjoyed sharing stories with our adults in the Nursery Reading Cafe! This links to Articles 28, 29,31.

We are enjoying our time in Acorns class! Look how well we have settled. (Article 28 & 29)

In our first week in Acorns Class, we have been learning to choose our activities and make new friends. (Articles 29 & 31)

This term we will be learning about what makes us special. 

Take a look as we will be posting photographs of the learning that we do in our Nursery.

