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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Art and Design

St Paul’s (Slade Green) C of E

Primary School

Art and Design Intent


At St Paul’s (Slade Green) C of E Primary School, we aim to capture and develop the pupil’s creativity by giving them the knowledge, skills and confidence to create pieces of Artwork across a range of media, using a variety of materials. Through exploration of notable artists, the children will develop their knowledge of a range of works and styles.  Our Art and Design curriculum is designed to engage, challenge and equip pupils to create artwork, express themselves and enable them to reflect and evaluate their own and others work, enabling them to continue to develop their skills. We want pupils at St Paul’s (Slade Green) C of E Primary School to enjoy Art and Design as a form of expression and be confident to showcase their artistic skills.                                                                                            

