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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Y3 - Rowan

Welcome to Rowan Class.

The Class Teacher is Mr Hayford.

Times Table Rockstars!

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language to help your child with their phonics!

Sports Day Practice

We've been busy getting ready for our sports day. Even though the weather hasn't been on our side, Rowan class has been busy practising every race and trying to get as fast as we can beating our times from the session before. We are very excited to show all the families how amazing we've become. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust

Street Dance Workshop

Today we took part in a street dance workshop which was run by 'Theatre Box'. We learnt a full dance routine from start to finish, to an amazing song. At the end we performed the full dance all together.


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Respect, Koinonia

Children's Book Project

This afternoon Rowan class got to take part in an amazing project called the 'Children's Book Project'. We spent some time looking through books for all ages and the students got to pick two books which they could take home. The students were so excited they spent their lunch outside reading their new books. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Respect, Koinonia

Skipping Workshop

This morning we participated in a skipping workshop. The students had so much fun with their own individual skipping ropes trying to do new tricks and skip in new ways. We then at the end of the session all had a go of the big rope. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust


“The Healthiest Unicorn” Workshop

Today we took part in a workshop based on healthy living. The students learnt lots of tips on nutrition, exercise, and mental well-being which was amazing. This has empowered students to make healthier choices in their daily lives.


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust


Times Tables Practise

We've been using the school chromebooks to practise our 3's, 4's and 8's times tables. We are getting faster and faster, now being able to recall times tables off the top of our head. This will help us with both our arithmetic questions and our reasoning questions, being able to solve word problems using our times tables knowledge. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust

R.E. - What does water mean to us?

In R.E, we discussed the importance of water. We looked at what it meant to us and how we use it everyday. We discussed why Christians may use water during a baptism. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust

Be Internet Legends Assembly Number 2

Today we took part in our second Be Internet Legends assembly run by Google. We learnt even more about how to be safer and more confident online explorers. Next we are going to explore their game to learn even more about being safe and confident online.


Links to Article: 27, 28 and 31

Christian Values: Koinonia 

Cave Painting Art Lesson

Our learning quest this term is 'Time Travellers' and we have been learning about the stone age. We have been learning about what it was like back in the stone age for the those who lived then and in art we have been learning about their cave paintings. Today in our Art lesson we painted human and animal figures onto a cave background just as the people in the stone age done. We had so much fun doing exactly what they had done thousands of years in the past.


Links to Article: 28, 29, 30

Christian Values: Koinonia, Trust, Hope 


Be Internet Legends assembly

Today we took part in the Be Internet Legends assembly run by Google. We learnt about how to be safer and more confident online explorers. We had so much fun taking part in their quizzes and we even got a shout out by the presenter, for getting so many answers correct! We can't wait to try their online game to learn even more about being safe and confident online.


Links to Article: 27, 28 and 31

Christian Values: Koinonia 

