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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Y1 - Maple

Welcome to Maple Class.

The Class Teacher is Mrs Forrester.



Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language to help your child with their phonics!

Maple Class 2023 -2024

World Book Day 2024 - The children had a fabulous day!

In Science this half term we have been looking at materials based on their simple physical properties. We performed an experiment to find the most absorbent materials.

We also performed a melting experiment to find out what would happen if we heated some materials. We made our predictions beforehand.

We have been looking at healthy food. We explored and tasted a range of existing products and designed our own fruit kebabs! They were very delicious!!

In Geography this half term we went on a walk around Slade Green to look at the many types of buildings in the area. We made a 3D model of Slade Green. We had great fun making it!

Our completed Slade Green!

For the sixth week Maple Class has won the Numbots/TTRS trophy! They had the highest number of points than any other class in the whole school. This is an amazing achievement! This has had a positive impact on their learning in class as well so keep it up Maple Class!!! You are all stars!

In computing lessons the children have been practicing hosting their own cookery show ready for filming next week. They had great fun practicing their camera angles.

Not only did Maple Class win the Numbots/TTRS trophy for the fifth week running, they also added a new trophy this week - the attendance cup!!!! What an amazing class!

In computing -our topic is 'We are TV Chefs'- this week the children have been developing their own recipes. These will be used for the children to film each other as they present their cookery programme!

The children have been perfecting the art of reading aloud in English this week. The information writing they produced was excellent.

Maple Class won a trio of awards this week! Not only did the children win the Numbots/TTRS award again for the fourth week running - a fantastic achievement in itself they also won the reading award and the lunchtime award for excellent behaviour. Well done Maple Class - you are all amazing!!!!!

The children wore a wonderful array of odd socks today for anti bullying week.

Maple Class made a beautiful poppy wreath for Remembrance Day which the children took out onto the field to participate in the two minute silence. They also used their handprints to complete their poppy pictures to take home as a keepsake.

What a brilliant start to the new term, Maple Class won the Numbots / TTRS trophy again for the third week! Well done Maple - what a fantastic achievement!

Maple Class won the home reading trophy AND the Numbots trophy for the second week running! Fantastic! Well done!

We have been enjoying our 'Toy Story' topic this half term.

We visited St Augustines Church as part of our RE lessons.

We have been learning about our 5 senses in Science. We really enjoyed the tasting lesson!

It was fun guessing the sound with our eyes closed!

