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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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Y3 - Willow

Welcome to Willow Class.

The Class Teacher is Miss Hunt.

Geography - Learning about regions

In Geography, we are learnt about the regions in the UK. We created our own map and used a key to identify each region. 


Links to article 28, 29

In PE this term, we are dancing as wild animals! We thought about how animals might move and expressed the movements to music depending if it was a quick or slow beat. We also practiced our wild animal facial expressions!


Links to article 28, 29, 31

WOW! Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This term, our Learning Quest is 'The Golden Ticket!' We watched the film and discussed with our partner our favourite part and how we would feel if we were part of the Bucket family!


Links to articles 28, 29, 12


In R.E., we are learning about the Sikhi religion. We started looking at Sikh artefacts and discussed why they might be important to Sikh people. 


Links to article 28, 29, 14.

Christian Values: Respect and koinonia

We had an exciting trip out to Port Lympne where we went on a Safari. We saw lots of different animals! 


Links to Article 28, 29, 31


In Science, we have been learning all about the different types of rocks and how they are formed. We carried out experiments to test the permeability of different rocks. 


Links to Articles 28, 29

Christian values: Koinonia

In P.E., we have been exploring symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes using the apparatus. Outdoors, we have been playing handball focussing on attacking and defending.


Links to Articles 28, 29, 31.

Christian values: Koinonia

Computing - Exploring scratch!

This term, we have been tinkering with scratch! We have learned how to write an algorithm to make our sprites move as well as making music on scratch! 


Links to articles 28, 29 and 17.

Christian values: Koinonia, Respect

We loved sharing a book with our family and friends in our reading cafe! 


Rights Respecting - Article 28, 29

Christian Values - Respect, koinonia

Times Table Rockstars!

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language to help your child with their phonics!

Our police van visit

Land of the Pharaohs

This term we are learning all about Ancient Egypt. The children have created wonderful pyramids, mummies and other Ancient Egyptian artefacts for our display!


Links to Article 28, 29


Our Learning Quest in term 1 and term 2 is 'Time Travellers!'

R.E. - What does water mean to us?

In R.E., we discussed the importance of water. We looked at what it meant to us and how we use it everyday. We discussed why Christians may use water during a baptism. 


Links to Article 14, 28, 27

Christian Values: Koinonia, Respect, Trust

Science - Food labels

In Science, we investigated the nutritional value of different foods. We looked at what each part of the food labelled meant and how we could compare them to answer and enquiry question.


Links to Article: 27, 28 and 31

Christian Values: Koinonia 


