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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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St Paul’s (Slade Green) C of E

Primary School

Computing Intent


At St Paul's (Slade Green) C of E Primary School, our intent is to enthuse and motivate future computer programmers, inventors and everyday computer users to develop high-level thinking skills, conceptual understanding and creativity.


Our Computing curriculum forms an integral thread which runs through all subjects and empowers all pupils to gain confidence whilst enabling them to embrace and use new technology, in a socially responsible and safe way, in order to flourish in an ever changing digital world.


At St Paul's (Slade Green) C of E Primary School, we recognise the importance of E-Safety; keeping our pupils safe from physical, mental or emotional harm is imperative and can be seen in everything we do.  We aim to give all our pupils the best possible opportunities to fulfil their computing potential and make a positive contribution to the technological world as individuals within their community and as global citizens to ultimately change for the better.




