Y4 - Juniper
Welcome to Juniper Class.
The Class Teacher is Mr Shea
Term 2 - Exploring the Middle Ages
Today we were creating bridges and symmetrical balances in gymnastics in P.E.
We discussed how we could become excellent gymnasts and how to extend our fingers and toes to create interesting bridges and balances.
Today in Computing we explored coding on Scratch and discussed how we could find and correct bugs in animations that we had made.
Term 1 - The Romans - Rome Didn't Fall in a Day
Today in P.E. we continued learning how to play netball. We practised the chest pass and the bounce pass and discussed how these are effective methods of retaining possession and building an attack.
Today in R.E. we learned about creation and God's wonderful world. Then we explored the forest school, to find the beautiful things that Christians believe God made in the world.
Term 6 - Whisk Me Away
Today we had our long-awaited school trip to Lesnes Abbey. We had a brilliant day; trekking through the forest, making maps from natural materials, orienteering and learning about the history of the famous ruins. Check out some pictures of the day below:
Term 4 - Blue Abyss
Happy World Book Day! Today we had a special reading assembly featuring interviews with real authors, a football book quiz, paired reading with Year 3 and the children chose books from the reading shed! Check out the photos below:
Term 3 - Exploring the Middle Ages
Thank you to all parents who came to today's Reading Cafe. It was lovely to see so many parents reading with their children, asking questions and discussing different books. Quite a few parents shared how impressed they were with their children's progress in reading too!
Today we had a visit from the Children's University. We had a day of activities which included building skyscrapers, having a paper aeroplane competition and even learning some Spanish! Check out the photos from the day below:
This week in Art we were drawing pictures of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, using different pencils to create tones and effects.
This links to Article 29: The right to develop your abilities as much as possible.
Today we were learning how to perform accurate chest passes in Netball in P.E.
This links to Article 31 - sports and games: