Collective Worship
17.06.24 The Leading Lights walking our parents through a typical collective worship at St Paul's.
21.02.24 - Leading lights demonstrating the problems in our wold and identifying practical solutions to these problems.
29.9.23 Our children leading parts of our Harvest Festival.
09.02.23 Leading Lights Led Collective Worship - Our enthusiastic leading lights perform in our Collective Worship and lead our pupils in understanding the Christian message. Why did Jesus call himself 'The Good Shepherd?' Are you a good shepherd? What qualities do you need to be a good shepherd?
Children are invited to join in with acts of worship every day at St Paul's. In recognition of all participants, we make no such assumption that all have the same beliefs and values and we learn to respect each other.
Collective worship provides opportunities for the whole school community to engage with their own spirituality. During this time we explore the big questions of life, reflect, share each other's joys and challenges, and affirm our school values.
Each half term each year group has one Collective Worship session at St. Augustine's Church on a Tuesday.
For Remembrance day 2022 we were joined in Collective Worship by a paratrooper.
Harvest Festival Collective Worship- Reverend Jim led worship.
Flourish Collective Worship
In Collective Worship we spoke about what flourish means to us...
Some songs we listen to in Collective Worship chosen by pupils