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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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St Augustine's Church

Our Church is called St Augustine's.


It is a short walk from our school and belongs to the Diocese of Rochester.


We love visiting our Church throughout the year for key events such as Christmas, Easter, and Leavers' Services, as well as on class trips which deepen our learning and strengthen our links with the community.


We are fortunate that Reverend Jim, who is also a governor at St Paul's, frequently leads worship at our school.


The Church plays a welcoming and inclusive role in our community and opens its doors to everyone.  For more information, visit the website for St Augustine's:

Church Cafe'


Every Tuesday a class teacher takes some children to the Church Cafe'. We speak to people in our local community and have lunch with them. We often see members of a knitting club who are always happy to show us how to knit baby jumpers. 


'I love going to the Church Cafe' because it's nice to eat lunch with different people and to see the dog. I like the cakes and hot drinks too. (Lexi H. - Year 5)


'The church cafe' is really nice and beautiful. There are lots of other people from Slade Green there. There are 2 dogs too. One is a puppy. I like him because I don't have a puppy at home. The food is always good. (Malachi - Year 2)


Macmillian Coffee Morning 

The Church Cafe' children sometimes visit the Macmillian Coffee morning. We met the deputy Mayor and asked if he would visit our school. We had lovely cakes and spoke to lots of people from our community. 




The regular Sunday worship is at 10.30am, though we do have some special services planned throughout the year. 

