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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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School Council

We have a right to be heard!


Our Rights Respecting School Council is made up of representatives from each year group in the school from EYFS to Year 6.


At St Paul's, we have the right to be treated fairly! At the start of the school year we hold class elections. Children who wish to be elected write a speech and share it with their class. Once all the children have spoken, the class vote to elect their representative. When all the votes are in and counted we reveal the results in a whole school assembly and the new members are given a badge.

2023/2024 School Council Representatives

Pupils voted for their school council representative for their class. Article:

2022/2023 School Council Representatives

Well done and a big Thank You to all the school council children who worked hard to create circuits for the whole school and made the decorations for our charity event that they chose (Diabetes UK) Thank you to everyone that sponsored this event and to the children for taking part.

Diabetes UK Charity Circuits.

School Council have been working really hard this year to make sure they listen to the voice of the pupils. They have introduced a Pupil Voice Box which has been very effective for pupils to have their say in how the school runs and what they would like in their school.

Pupil Voice requests and responses. You Said, We Did

Here are our new School Council representatives.  

School Council 2021/22.

Our Rights Respecting charity this year was selected by our steering group as being Diabetes UK. Today, we completed a sponsored charity sports event to try to raise as much money as possible to help this worthy cause. The children across the whole of the school had so much fun completing their circuits. Well done to everyone that joined in the event and thank you to everyone that sponsored our children. Watch this space to see how much money we have raised altogether.

We have a right to be heard!


Our Rights Respecting Council is made up of representatives from each year group in the school from Nursery to Year 6.


At St Paul's (Slade Green), we have the right to be treated fairly! At the start of the school year we hold class elections. Children who wish to be elected write a speech and share it with their class. Once all the children have spoken, the class vote to elect their representative. When all the votes are in and counted we reveal the results in a whole school assembly and the new members are given a badge.



Our Rights Respecting Student Council 2020 - 2021


