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St Paul's (Slade Green)

C of E Primary School

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St Paul's Switch Off fortnight

St Paul's are supporting 'Switch Off Fortnight' from Monday 11th November to Friday 22nd November. We will be turning off lights and computers during playtimes and lunchtimes when they are not in use.We encourage you to take part too. A great way to cut energy waste and encourage fantastic energy efficient behaviours that benefit the planet!

Top tips to switch off:

- Make sure your'e heating is switched off if it is warm outside

-Close your curtains and blinds to keep heat in.

-Switch off any electronics that are not being used, Even on standby it is using electricity.

-Switch to LED

-Do laundry on a cooler wash

-Remember to turn off lights when you are not in the room.

-Spend less time in the shower


Our Eco warriors will be doing their part this fortnight to ensure all pupils and staff do what they can to help.

